GRP Community Development Corporation
"Making the World a Better Place
One Development at a Time"
GRP Community Development Corporation
"Making the World a Better Place
One Development at a Time"
"Making the World a Better Place
One Development at a Time"
"Making the World a Better Place
One Development at a Time"
The path of homeownership may be shorter than you think. In most situations, we can get you into your new home of choice with as little as 3% down payment. We even offer down payment assistance programs for those that qualify. If you have late payments, Judgements, or charge offs; let us advise you on the shortest path to homeownership. Our trained GRPCDC advisors are individuals that genuinely care about your desire to become a homeowner. Contact Us Today! No obligation.
12848 Queensbury Lane, Houston, Texas 77024, United States
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Please call (832) 286-1871 for an appointment with your GRP CDC Personal Advisor. We look forward to working with you! Free coffee and great conversation!
Our advisors are here to work with you! Everyone's situation's similar, but unique. We work in a team effort with your goal of owning your own home. Our advisors are compassionate and committed to helping you achieve your goal of homeownership. We offer personal one-on-one advisement for you and your family.
Our goal is your goal and we share in the joy of realizing your dreams. We look forward to the day that you walk into your new home
Everyone can search the local MLS listings for homes for sale, so why take an all day class just to learn about buying a home?
At the GRPCDC Homebuyer Workshop, you’ll learn every important step along the path of the homebuying process and how to make the best decisions for your individual situation.
Our guest speakers are experts in the real estate industry! You will receive a homebuyer workbook that you can keep, along with knowledgeable educators, and workshops that provide the following information:
In addition, the GRPCDC Homebuyer Workshops meet HUD guidelines and are approved by NSP and Neighborhood LIFT, which are necessary to qualify for some types of down payment assistance and other programs.
No matter your current situation our GRPCDC advisors will assist you on the shortest route to homeownership. Lets us help you map the path to your dreams. You may be surprised at how soon you and your family can be in your new home.
You won't know unless you contact us and register for your one-on-one appointment. We offer a confidential phone call, zoom call, or face to face interview.
Take the first step today!
Tired of renting? Learn how to create wealth through homeownership! The GRPCDC offers a free one-on-one homebuyer consultation to those who desire to travel the path of homeownership. Learn how to qualify today for down payment assistance!
GRPCDC's mission and its philosophy is educating and serving underserved communities about homeownership. GRPCDC currently builds and develops affordable housing to bring low-and moderate-income families into the mainstream economy rather than setting up parallel economic support systems. Projects such as our First Home Program in Texas bring many low and moderate-income households a few steps closer to the mainstream economy.
Let us build your new home today!
GRPCDC reflects The Houston Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) which encompasses Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Waller counties. However the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) model and region includes Austin Colorado, Matagorda, Walker, and Wharton counties; and represents over one quarter of the state’s population, covering nearly 12,300 square miles.
The region is anchored by the City of Houston, a hub of commerce, transportation, education, diversity, and culture. Houston is primarily located within Harris County, and is 168 miles from Austin, 197 miles from San Antonio, and 244 miles from Dallas. The region is also supported by many of the most respected Universities in the country that house over 400,000 students.
GRPCDC has forged a connection to a network of other non-profit and civic organizations, churches, mosques interested in neighborhood revitalization and affordable workforce housing. The network encompasses agencies in metropolitan Houston-Galveston Area Council(H-GAC) region and throughout the nation. The network brings access to technical and financial resources as well as a vast base of experience. The network can be a powerful advocacy force for the concerns of low and moderate blue-collar workers with affordable workforce housing needs.
GRPCDC is a connection to a network of other non-profit organizations interested in neighborhood revitalization and affordable housing. The network encompasses agencies in The Houston Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA and throughout the nation. The network brings access to technical and financial resources as well as a vast base of experience. The network can be a powerful advocacy force for the concerns of low-income people and affordable housing. GRPCDC is an advocate for the The Houston Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) within that network. It must demonstrate that the resources and solutions that it brings to the table will strengthen that community and the network.
The Metropolitan And National Non-Profit Network
Today, metropolitan non-profits in housing and community development are organized in three basic tiers:
Neighborhood-Based Organizations
These are groups such as those supported by or part of GRPCDC membership. They include such groups as:
Habitat for Humanity
Catholic Charities
Houston Land Bank
Board-Based Community Organizations
These include direct production groups such as:
There are also regional groups such as:
These groups, by working with Non Profit organizations like GRPCDC, in partnership with government agencies, local financial institutions, and national and local philanthropies, provide the technical and financial resources that produce affordable housing.
GRPCDC has recently awarded grant funds to two other broad-based community groups. This is no guarantee that they shall continue to do so.GRPCDC must simply make the best case that it can for its program and the needs in The Houston Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA). If you represent a municipality or governmental agency and you feel that GRP CDC may benefit your community. Please contact us at
We DELIVER! Quality Affordable Housing to the underserved communities throughout Texas. Work with one of our highly trained counselors to Achieve the DREAM of Homeownership. We are here to help.
The Houston Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) The County has pockets of poverty that are as extreme as some areas in the City of Houston. The Houston Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) has low-income communities that can be identified geographically. In the final analysis, GRPCDC does what it believes is right for GRPCDC and The Houston Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) County and then seek support on that basis.
A relationship with GRP Community Lending, LLC is beneficial to clients seeking homeownership. Through the GRPCDC / GRPCL relationship clients are able to realize their Dream of Homeownership via the shortest path. Decades of experience is at the clients fingertips. The purpose of this relationship is to enable non profits to achieve a degree of independence and maturity.
GRPCDC is a Not for Profit Community Development Corporation that's focus is to satisfy the local needs of the underserved pockets within the communities. It is our pleasure to meet the needs of the Community through the development of subdivisions, streets, infrastructure, affordable housing, and the education afforded to first time home buyers. We counsel and we deliver the affordable housing that we all are proud to call HOME.
GRPCDC draws upon the experience of others in the network and uses those lessons to assert its leadership in the field of affordable housing. GRP/CDC organizes three small focus groups to discuss non-profits and the production of affordable housing in The Houston Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA). The first group included neighborhood-based and community-based non-profit agencies directly producing housing. The second group is composed of intermediaries and public agencies providing financial and technical resources for the production of affordable housing by non-profit agencies. The third group is made up of financial institutions, main players in the secondary mortgage market.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Click here to see if you qualify for Down Payment toward your new Home. Homebuyer Classes may qualify you for Down Payment Assistance Programs and possibly Mortgage Credit Certificates. Knowledge is POWER! Contact us Today!
HERE WE. GO AGAIN! FREEPORT, Texas -Homes under construction- We are elated to be involved with this amazing project! It is a genuine pleasure to bring such a quality product to an underserved community. Premium Affordable Housing-
Come visit us ! 832-286-1871